because he helped me in filling up this blog~~~

well well well, this is the Nippon Tei at Berjaya Time Square, and it belongs to Mr. GGL, GGL so nice, pay me for the meal, somemore bring me go gai gai, watch movie....GGL you r the best!!!

Look at this fantastic design, yeah it's him again, Mr GGL!!! he is a genius, i mean...u see, look at the photo, how beautiful r the dunno call wat things, the environment is just so romantic, i love it..mmm...when u makan in this kind of restaurant, u...erm...i cant find any words to describe it, u better try it out....

see, there r 12 bottles of green wine, i didnt know they call it green wine, i asked Mr. GGL, he said it is called green wine, i believe watever he said, coz he never tells lie...

this is my food, seafood spaghetti, oh yeah i forgot to take a photo of it, i juat started to eat, yeah i was so hungry & cant think of anything when i saw my lovely spaghetti, once again, thanks to MR GGL to remind me to take the photo...!!!

Mr. Handsome GGL ordered this meal, it's nice at 1st, but...u know, it's just too much....

me, myself, ms wong, lenglui or not????????
here he comes!!!! Mr. GGL!!!! yeah!!!!
ggl got so nice meh ? hahahhaa