可是万万没想到,它的命运却如此改写了!它被我不小心的给撞跌了几次了,断了好几个部分。 它的手,翅膀和冠都破了! 心痛死了。

This Eye on
It is located at Titiwangsa which is very near to my house. There are fire works every night until 1st of Feb. Even thought I can see the fire works from my house but I still went there to have a closer view of it. I think everyone of u should not miss this fire works. It is very beautiful. Besides fireworks, there are also motor board and jet ski performance.
The time showing for the fire works since last week is (Mon - Thurs 8.30 p.m., Fri-Sun 9.00 p.m.).
Don’t forget to bring a mat or old newspaper to there so that u can sit down on those wet grass to watch it.
Wish that I can ride on the Eye on Malaysia soon...
New year = New Challenge + New Hair + New Life...
There are a lot of things which i want to achieve in 2007.
1. I want to buy a car by myself.
2. I want to be more success in my career.
3. I want to be a skillfull engineer/programmer!
3. I want to be more mature!
4. I wish to go HongKong for a holiday.
5. I want to spend my 2007 xmas in Spore.
Haha... am i seting too many things for myself to achieve? Hopefully i can do them all in 2007!!
This is my new hair style? any comment?